Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Deadline (3x04) trivia

Thanks to several members on the NCIS:LA Dream Team board we now have a transcript from the paper G's holding in the ending scene of "Deadline"...

1st column:
1: the patient is an old case
2: of ca. (carcinoma) Ri (right) lung
3: Metastatic Bronchogenic
4: ca. (carcinoma) Brain
5: The patient is admitted
6: For Radiotherapy at presence
7: He had arteriography which
8: showed large temporal parietal
9: tumor Craniotomy
10: done and a papillary tumor
11: of le. (left) temp. parietal region
12: was found, which was
13: of Bronchiogenic type
14: Chest X ray showed Ri (right)-medial
15: lobe syndrome
16: no H6 (helix 6) bone pain
17: mentation and memory
18: poor now
19: There was dramatic
20: response to cranial
21: irradiation
22: yesterday the patient
23: was having

second column:
1: continous Atonic seizures
2: of mouth. He was
3: unconcious.
4: the seizures decreased
5: on treatment with
6: valium. Barbiturate
7: Because of the seizures
8: The radiotherapy is
9: cancelled for the time
10: being
11: family history, no history
12: of carcinoma in the
13: family
14: habits: he takes alcohol
15: occasionally
16: allergies none

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